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Data and analytics

In today's digital landscape, data is key to understanding your customers and informing smart strategy. Bluesight Studio offers comprehensive data and analytics packages to help brands, businesses, and organisations derive powerful insights that can elevate performance.

Our packages are customised to match your business goals and scale.

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Unlock Insights and Drive Growth Data & Analytics

Social Media Audits & Optimisation

  • Social listening to analyse brand mentions, sentiments, conversations
  • Identify optimal platforms and communities
  • Benchmark performance against competitors
  • Define the ideal customer journey to improve conversion

Website & SEO Audits

  • Technical audit examining speed, security, accessibility
  • SEO audit of keywords, metadata, backlinks
  • Analyse visitor behaviour flows and conversions
  • Provide roadmap to boost organic traffic

Content Strategy & Audits

  • Audit current content types and performance
  • Analyse competitors and industry benchmarks
  • Establish messaging frameworks and taxonomies
  • Craft data-driven content strategies to attract and engage

Ongoing Analytics Monitoring & Consultation

  • Customise analytics dashboards and reporting
  • Implement tracking across digital properties
  • Translate analytics into clear, actionable insights
  • Provide strategic guidance for continual optimisation

Enhancing Your Strategy

In addition to audits and strategy support, we offer analytics implementation, integrations with popular platforms and tools, dashboard development, and training for your team. Our data-first approach aims to inform your initiatives with decision intelligence so you can confidently evaluate performance, identify new opportunities, and thrive.

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35 Elizabeth Street, Malvern, Melbourne, VIC 3144 Australia
+61 (0) 370 447 247
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